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Transcript on iOS

Videos should contain a transcript to allow users to read what is shown in media, such as a video or podcast.

A basic transcript contains information needed to understand what is being said. This mostly benefits people who are deaf or hard of hearing, or have difficulty processing auditory information.

A descriptive transcript also contains visual information to understand what is being shown. This mostly benefits people who are blind or visually impaired.

On iOS, you can use UITextView to present a transcript. A UITextView is scrollable by default. You can also choose to place one or more UILabel's in a UIScrollView.

// Option 1
let transcript = UITextView()
transcript.text = "Appt transcript"

// Option 2
let transcript = UILabel()
transcript.text = "Appt transcript"

let view = UIView()

let scrollView = UIScrollView()


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