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Success Criterion 3.1.2 - Level AA

Language of Parts

Ensure the language of parts is set. Sometimes pieces of text are written in another language. Set the language so text is read out correctly.


  • Ensure the language of text written in other languages is set correctly.

  • People with screen readers can have parts of text read in another language.


“Are foreign texts indicated in their respective language?“

This can be tested with the screen reader.

Note: this success criterion is exempt for apps in EN 301 549.


Set language of text

On Android, you can use LocaleSpan to speak content in a specific language. Multiple LocaleSpan's can be embedded inside a SpannableString to speak content in multiple languages.

val locale = Locale.forLanguageTag("nl-NL")
val localeSpan = LocaleSpan(locale)

val string = SpannableString("Appt")
string.setSpan(localeSpan, 0, string.length, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE)




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