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Accessibility language on iOS

When content is written in multiple languages, foreign words should ideally be indicated in their respective language. For example, you can indicate a French quote in a Dutch piece of content. This enables assistive technologies to use the right pronunciation.

On iOS, the accessibilitySpeechLanguage key of NSAttributedString can be used to speak content in a specific language. Multiple NSAttributedString's can be embedded inside a NSMutableAttributedString to speak content in multiple languages.

In addition, the accessibilityLanguage attribute of the UIAccessibility protocol can be used to set a single language for an element. Many objects implement this protocol, such as UIApplication and UIView.

element.attributedText = NSAttributedString(
    string: "Appt", 
    attributes: [.accessibilitySpeechLanguage: "nl_NL"]

application.accessibilityLanguage = "nl_NL"
view.accessibilityLanguage = "nl_NL"


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