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Scale text on iOS

Apps should scale text to the size specified by users in the system settings. This is especially important for visually impaired users because they might not be able to read the text otherwise.

Op iOS kun je gebruik maken van Dynamic Font Size om tekst te herschalen. Deze functie houdt namelijk rekening met de gekozen tekstgrootte van de gebruiker. Bij gebruik van een eigen lettertype kun je gebruik maken van de scaledFont methode van UIFontMetrics om de tekstgrootte te berekenen.

// MARK: - Scaling custom fonts
import UIKit

extension UIFont {

    static func font(name: String, size: CGFloat, style: TextStyle) -> UIFont {
        guard let font = UIFont(name: name, size: size) else {
            fatalError("Font \(name) does not exist")
        return UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: style).scaledFont(for: font)
    static func openSans(weight: UIFont.Weight, size: CGFloat, style: TextStyle) -> UIFont {
        if UIAccessibility.isBoldTextEnabled {
            return font(name: "OpenSans-Bold", size: size, style: style)
        switch weight {
            case .regular:
                return font(name: "OpenSans-Regular", size: size, style: style)
            case .semibold:
                return font(name: "OpenSans-SemiBold", size: size, style: style)
            case .bold:
                return font(name: "OpenSans-Bold", size: size, style: style)
                fatalError("Font weight \(weight) is not supported")

// MARK: - Enabling content size category adjustments
label.adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory = true


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