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Adjustable timing on iOS

Everyone, including people with disabilities, should have adequate time to interact with your app. People with disabilities may require more time to interact with your app. If certain functions are time-dependent, it will be difficult for some users to finish in time. If content is shown for a limited time, users might not finish reading in time. It should be possible for users to increase time limits, or ideally, disable all time limits.

On iOS, third-party code libraries are sometimes used to display a temporary message, also known as a Toast. The display duration might be too short for people to read or hear the message.

We recommend showing messages by using an UIAlertController. Don't forget to add a close button.

Also check whether DispatchQueue is used somewhere. If there are time limits, make sure they can be extended.

let alert = UIAlertController(
  title: nil, 
  message: "Appt", 
  preferredStyle: .alert

alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Close", style: .default, handler: { action in
  // Close

present(alert, animated: true)


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