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Voice Access for Android

By activating Voice Access it is possible to control your Android device via voice. This is especially useful for users who have difficulty using the touchscreen.

Voice Access is available for all devices with Android version 5.0 or higher.

Install Voice Access

Before you can install Voice Access, you must first meet the following preconditions:

  1. Your device must have Android 5.0 or higher

  2. The Google app must be installed

In addition, the following three things are recommended:

  1. Set up “Ok Google” detection from any screen:

    • Open the Google app, tap More in the bottom right, then Settings, then Voice Settings. Then tap "Voice" and turn on "Ok Google."

  2. Check if you have downloaded a language for offline use:

    • Go back to the previous screen and click on 'Offline Speech Recognition'. Download the desired languages.

  3. Use the Pixel Launcher. Download the app here.

Finally, install the Voice Access app.

Turn on Voice Access

After you install Voice Access, you can only turn it on in way 1 the first time.

Way 1: via settings

  1. Open the Settings app

  2. Tap Accessibility

  3. Tap Voice Access, found under the 'Downloaded services' heading

  4. Turn on the Switch

Then turn off the 'Time out after no speech'-switch in the Voice Access settings.

Way 2: Via Shortcut

  1. Open the Settings app

  2. Scroll down, tap Accessibility

  3. Tap Volume key shortcut

  4. Turn on the Switch

  5. Tap Shortcut service

  6. Tap Switch Access

  7. Press and hold both volume buttons for three seconds

Note: this only works on devices with Android version 8 or higher.

Turn off Voice Access

Saying “Stop listening” or “Thanks, Google” disables Voice Access.

You can also turn off Voice Access via the settings. You can also try long-pressing both volume buttons. This way you can disable Voice Access via a shortcut.

Voice Access commands

After you turn on Voice Access, numbers appear on the screen with all the elements to perform actions.

For example, if you see the number 7 next to a "Save" button, you can perform actions in the following ways:

  • 7

  • Save

  • Click 7

  • Click Save

In some apps, it's easier to navigate with a grid than by clicking on specific elements. A grid is also useful if the element you want to click on does not have a number.

  • Say “Show grid” to start grid selection.

  • Say “More squares” or “Less squares” to make the grid larger or smaller.

  • To interact with the grid, say a number or use commands. For example: “Tap 3” or “Long press 3”.

  • Say “Hide grid” to hide the grid again.

Note: it will often happen that you cannot fully control apps with voice control.

You can navigate with these commands.

Open <app>Opens the given app
Go backPresses the back button
Go homePresses the home button
Show notificationsShows your notifications
Show Quick SettingsDisplays the quick settings menu
Show recent appsShows your recent apps

Overview of common commands via Voice Access

Ask for help

These commands will help you to use Voice Access.

What can I say?Shows all the commands you can say
Show all commandsShows all commands
Open tutorialOpens the tutorial to learn Voice Access
Hide numbersHides the numbers on the screen
Show numbersShows numbers on the screen
What is <number>?Explains what type the element with the given number is
Stop Voice AccessStops Voice Access
Send feedbackOpens a screen to send feedback about Voice Access

Overview of commands to ask for help via Voice Access

Adjust settings

With these commands, you can adjust settings. For example, turn Wi-Fi or Bluetooth on or off and change the volume level.

Turn <on/off> <setting>The given setting is turned on or off.
For example: “Turn on Wi-Fi” turns off Wi-Fi.
Turn <up/down> volumeTurns the volume up or down
Turn <media/alarm/phone> volume <up/down>The volume of the given item is increased or decreased. For example: “Turn media volume up” turns volume up.
MuteTurns off the sound
SilenceMutes the sound
UnmuteTurns the sound back on
<Mute/unmute> <media/alarm/phone> volumeTurns the volume on or off for the given item.
For example: “Mute phone volume” turns off the volume.
Turn device offTurns off your device

Overview of commands to adjust settings via Voice Access


Commands' that you normally say after “Ok Google” still work. For example:

Set timer for <time>Start a timer for the given time
Turn on flashlightTurns on your device's flash
When was the Empire State Building built?Answers when the Empire State Building was built
Who created Google?Answers who founded Google

Overview of assistant commands via Voice Access


Use these commands to tap, scroll, and use other gestures through your voice.


Touch <element>Touches the given element
<element>Touches the given element
Long press <element>Long touches the given element
Switch <on/off> <setting>The given setting is turned on or off.
For example: “Switch off airplane mode” to turn off airplane mode.
Expand <element>Expands the given element
Collapse <element>Collapses the given element

Overview of touch commands via Voice Access


Scroll <left/right/up/down>Scrolls to the given direction.
For example: “Scroll left”, the page scrolls to the left.
Scroll to <top/bottom>Scrolls all the way up or down.
For example: “Scroll to top”, the page will scroll all the way to the top.
Swipe <forwards/backwards>Swipes to the given direction.
For example: “Swipe forwards”, swipes forward

Overview of commands to swipe via Voice Access

Magnifying glass

These commands allow you to zoom or enlarge so that you can read the screen better.

Note: You need Android 7.0 or newer to use the commands below.

Start magnificationStarts magnification
Start zoomingStarts zooming
Zoom inZooms in
Zoom outZooms out
Pan <left/right/up/down>Pans to the given direction
Move <left/right/up/down>Moves to the given direction
Go <left/right/up/down>Goes to the given direction
Stop magnificationStops magnification
Stop zoomingStops zooming
Cancel zoomCancels the zoom

Overview of commands to use the magnifying glass via Voice Access

Text editing

Use these commands to type, edit, and format text with your voice. A blue border appears around editable text fields to indicate that you can start typing and editing. Say the number next to the text field if the blue border does not appear around the text field.


Type <word/phrase>Inserts the given text
<word/phrase>Inserts the given text
UndoUndoes the previous action
RedoRedoes the action
Insert <word/phrase> <before/after/between> <word/phrase>The given text is placed before, after, or between the given text.
For example: “Insert 'Thank you' before 'Kind Regards'”, inserts 'Thank you' before 'Kind Regards'.
Format emailThis command formats nearby text as an email address.
For example: “info at appt dot nl” is formatted as

Overview of commands for typing text via Voice Access


Replace <word/phrase> with <word/phrase>Replaces the given text with the desired text
Replace everything between <word/phrase> and <word/phrase> with <word/phrase>Replaces everything between the given two texts with the desired text
Capitalize <word/phrase>Lets the given text start with a capital letter
Uppercase <word/phrase>Converts the given text to uppercase
Lowercase <word/phrase>Converts the given text to lowercase

Overview of commands to replace text via Voice Access


DeleteDeletes the text
Delete allDeletes everything
Delete <word/phrase>Deletes the given text
Delete to the beginningDeletes everything up to the beginning
Delete to the endDeletes everything until the end
Delete selected textDeletes the selected text
Delete from <word/phrase> to <word/phrase>Removes all intervening text between the given two texts
Delete <number> <characters/words/sentences/lines/paragraphs/pages>Removes the given number from the given type of text
Delete the <next/previous> <number> <characters/words/sentences/lines/paragraphs/pages>Deletes the previous or next given number of the given type of text

Overview of commands to delete text via Voice Access


Go to the beginningMoves the cursor to the beginning of the text
Go to the endMoves the cursor to the end of the text
Move <before/after> <word/phrase>Moves the cursor before or after the given text.
For example: “Move after thank you.”, moved the cursor after 'thank you'.
Move between <word/phrase> and <word/phrase>Moves the cursor between the two given texts.
For example: “Move between 'you' and 'me'”, moves the cursor between 'you' and 'me'.
<right/left> <number> <characters/words/sentences/lines/paragraphs/pages>Moves the cursor left or right the given number of text elements.
For example: “Left 3 characters”, moves the cursor three characters to the left.

Overview of commands to move text via Voice Access


Select all textSelects all text
Unselect all textDeselects all text
Select to the beginningSelects to the beginning
Select to the endSelects to the end
Select <word/phrase>Selects the given text
Select from <word/phrase> to <word/phrase>Selects from the given text to the given text
Select <number> <characters/words/sentences/lines/paragraphs/pages>Selects the given number of the given text element type.
For example: “Select 5 sentences”, selects five sentences.
Select the <next/previous> <number> <characters/words/sentences/lines/paragraphs/pages>Selects the next or previous given number of the given text element type.
For example, “Select the previous 6 paragraphs”, selects the previous six paragraphs.

Overview of commands to select text via Voice Access


CutCuts the text
CcopyCopies the text
PastePastes the text

Overview of commands to perform actions on text via Voice Access


Show keyboardShows the keyboard
Hide keyboardHides the keyboard

Overview of commands to replace text via Voice Access

Voice Access manuals

Want to learn even more about Voice Access? Google has written several guides: